Birchos Ha’Shachar is the foundation of our daily prayers.
We say them every morning, but have you ever wondered…
…why we thank Hashem for the rooster’s intelligence every morning?
…why we thank Hashem for being Jewish every day?
…why there are separate brachos for men and women?
…why we have two different brachos to appreciate our eyes?
These questions and so many more are addressed in Arise & Aspire, a clear and thought-provoking book written by Mrs. Shira Smiles — a highly sought-after international lecturer who invites you to join her as she presents each brachah of the Birchas ha’Shachar with deeper meaning, showing us how they apply to our daily lives. Uncovering and internalizing the depth and wisdom of these brachos will not only lead the reader to a more inspired prayer, but a more inspired life.