Why did Hashem change Sarah's words describing Avraham as old, when he certainly would nothave been bothered by her actual statement? What special quality do stars possess that the Jewish people are compared to them? How did Yaakov think he could hide the fact that Korach was his descendant, something that is common knowledge? Classics and Beyond explores and answers these questions, as well as many others on the weekly parashah. Each intriguing topic is fashioned and constructed from classic and lesser-known commentaries to help you exercise your mind as you follow the logic of each piece all the way to its satisfying conclusion. You will find yourself enriched, and your insight and outlook on life will be enhanced along the way. With its stimulating style and often novel approach, Classics and Beyond can be enjoyed at the family Shabbos table, yet becherished also by accomplished scholars. So whoever you are,go ahead, read this book.... and go beyond!