When the Zilberman family enters the escape room, their only intention is to come out with the treasure of Mordechai Reich.
Rina hopes the treasure will give her a family.
Gili wants stars and Ayelet is praying that she won’t win them.
Nava is dreaming of life.
And Shunamit is silent.
Baruch Baron is the king of his daughter Mali’s life. Mali is his treasure, the apple of his eye. But when the legend starts to lose track of the truth, Mali gets caught between things that happened and things that shouldn’t happen. Predators lurk in the darkness, and a princess is about to be dethroned.
The two stories intertwine, joining in moments of pain, sorrow, and friendship, and the escape room holds it all.
Escape Room is the latest novel from Devora Rand, author of More or Less, To Be Continued, Freedom of Choice, and other popular titles.