Do you want your children to ... Wait impatiently for Shabbos to begin? Enjoy every moment of Shabbos?
Love Shabbos -- and Live Shabbos? Share with them the wonder and joy of Shabbos in the popular Living Shabbos For Children series! In Living Shabbos for Children 2, bestselling, beloved author Goldie Golding joins Rabbi David Sutton in offering our children 20 fun, relatable, and exciting stories about Shabbos. • What lesson about Shabbos did a Jewish man learn from the Queen of England? • How did keeping Shabbos save a farmer’s onion crop? • Why did the Shabbos angels leave the house where they were singing beautiful zemiros - and why did they come back later? Designed for children ages 4 - 8, and based on the popular books Living Shabbos and Embrace Shabbos by Rabbi Sutton, this collection of fun, child-friendly stories and delightful illustrations gives us a powerful and effective way to instill a love for Shabbos into our children.