Locked in the zoo with creepy creatures? Chasing a sea captain in a wobbly motorboat? Stuck on a skidding bus during a major snowstorm? Mais oui, Madame Chamberlaine is here pour aider! Madame Chamberlaine with her bubbly laugh, pink-tasseled scarves, and delicious homemade French pastries, helps sisters Shprintzi and Shuly in one hilarious escapade after another. Join them as they zoom through the neighborhood in a glass car with flashing lights, tame a baby and his flying pacifier, and explore a bizarre crime in a haunted house. Once again, well-loved author Tzipie Wolner has created a collection of entertaining, action-packed adventures that will keep you smiling. Three Cheers for Madame Chamberlaine is the third book in the widely popular Madame Chamberlaine series. So allons vite!