A brand new flower in Rabbi Shalom Arush's emuna garden! "Thank You" is not merely a phrase. Thank You is emuna. And not just any emuna but knowing all the principles of emuna. Thank You is the deepest form of truth. Thank You is humility and submission. Thank You is the basic good manners that every person should have. And Thank You is also "the delight of the World to Com," that is, our delight in the eternal world. The merit of giving thanks and praising Hashem in this world is the most beautiful and greatest gift that the Creator gave us. When you read this book, a whole world of possibilities that you did not know will open up. Discover the "Wonders of Gratitude", and then you yourself will come to tell us about the miracles and the salvation you had. You will be the protagonist in your own miracle storyf! Softcover, 500 pages